Membran III (Kan eller skal beholdernes indhold fortærres?) 2023
Text and images printed on glass walls
Comissioned work for the group show Office Overload in the office space of Bikubenfonden.
Curated by pro

The texts and images in the installation are borrowed from Emilie Tarp Østensgård’s publication/MFA essay from her graduation project in 2021. The book is preoccupied with the relation between language and object, with language as object and with connecting or creating space between inner and outer textual experiences. It explores rather formal aspects of written language as well as the notion of language as an instrument of power. With a critical eye the landscapes of language are examined and hereby also the possibilities of moving differently within them.
For Open Office the elements from the book was translated into a spatial installation, covering approx. 20 meters glass walls surrounding four meeting capsules.